Geetanjali Saxena


Lama Fera, From: 2020-10-24 To: 2020-10-25, 10 to 5,


Lama Fera


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Lamafera is a healing system practiced by Tibetan lamas for centuriesto heal all sentient beings on physical, mental and spiritual plane. It uses the Universal Vital force emanating from Lord Buddha. This life force is channeled through Lama Fera healer towards the desired person or place.16 Powerful symbols drawn by the healer through a crystal wand adds to the healing power significantly. This powerful healing modality integrates and balances body, mind and spirit. It has no limitation of time and space. Healing could begiven in presence or as in absentee healing.

Benefits of Lama Fera :
- It assists our connection with Higher Self
- It increases spiritual and intuitive abilities
- Relief from chronic diseases
- Improving psychic abilities
- Improving relationships
- Removal of unwanted habits
- Removal of evil spirits
- Overcomes fear, anxiety and tensions
- Removing past life traumas
- Removal of negative energy from a person or space
- Deep seated blockages are removed

To learn this powerful healing contact us on 9322127722, 98674 62877 or write us on Website:

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About the Organiser

Dr Geetanjali Saxena

(B. Sc., B.ED, M.A., PhD in Psychotherapy & Counselling)

Is a Wellness Coach with more than two decades of hands-on experience. She is trained in multiple m

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