Nidhu B kapoor


July Series - Settling for less money, REMOVED!!, 2022-07-01, 18:00 to 19.30,


The Decrees


Cost : INR 2900

July Series

Why do we settle for lesser (money)? And the biggest money repelling sentence you maybe saying 

There are many reasons we settle for lesser. And all of them have to do with what we believe

1. Don't believe we deserve more (not good enough and unworthy)

2. Don't believe we have what it takes to get more

3. Believe there is a price to pay for more (like more time or work or effort)

4. Believe we can't handle more

5. Belive something terrible will happen if we get more

6. Belive you are more acceptable or likeable playing small

7. Don't believe that you can UN-stuck yourself from this rut 


I would ask you which one you believe is true, but ALL of these play a role together alongwith ONE PRIMARY BELIEF

It will shock you when you know what it is, but just as anger (and other hot emotions like stress and jealousy) is a stopper, this one belief is stopper too. 

If you have been trying much, including trying to win a lottery, chances are that you have this one thought playing thro as well 

And if doesn't make you go O M G around your money situation, ask for a refund! 

See yous!


In July, our USD 47 series will take on 'settling for less money' and knock that out of the water too!

Challenge Days
July 4 to 8

1st July - settling for less money, REMOVED!! Call (Live audio call on instant Teleseminar)
Call at 6pm India / 8.30am EST

Original Price - USD 125 / INR 7,700
Offer price - USD 47 / INR 2,900


Please click here to pay USD 47 for July 2022

Please click here to pay Rs 2900 for July 2022



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About the Organiser

If it is simple and empowering, gentle but powerful, I will have it in my tool kit because my promise is - shifts within 10 seconds and results showing in the world within 24 to 72 h

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