Harshada Samant



Akashic Record Reading (1:1 Sessions), From: 2023-01-20 To: 2024-01-31, 10.00 am to 6.00 pm,


Akashic Records


Cost : INR 7777

The Akashic Records are an energetic library of information that contain the details of your soul and its journey. They span past lives, present incarnations, and future possibilities.

The Akashic realm is said to be the highest energetic realm. It holds every single thought, every action, and every experience throughout your entire soul journey. When we access your Akashic Records, it is the body of energy that has been with you since the inception of your soul, so you have access to past lives, [the] present, and future possibilities.

It is multi-purpose. It can provide understanding or guidance. which can be really healing, but ultimately it elevates your vibration to a point and to a place where you can reconnect with your own soul-level truth.

Having an Akashic Records reading can gently and lovingly remove the blockages and remind you of your soul-level truth, who you really are—not who you became due to familiar and or societal pressure.

I offer the reading in two forms:-

 A Mini_Reading - This is a short reading of 33 minutes at 3333/- where we focus on your exact issue to give you a reading and a short healing. I give you the resolution/solution that appears for you.

Comprehensive Reading - This is divided into three detailed readings Soul Profile Reading, Past Life, Present Life, and Ancestral Readings. Each reading comprises of a reading + a healing and clearing + re-alignment/integration. Each of these readings is priced at 7777/- 




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About the Organiser

A Chartered Account by qualification, worked with various multinational organisations for over a decade, the last position held as Vice President - Corporate Banking before I left the job in May &#

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