Chetna Chakravarthy


Talk on Emotions with Chakra Healing Session, From: 2017-04-09 To: 2017-04-09, 2pm to 4pm, Mumbai


Chakra Balancing,Life Coaching


Cost : INR 2,500

Join Chetna for a talk on Emotions - we're taking the
covers off fear, anger, guilt, shame and pain. Find and
build your inner strength and come to terms with your

The talk will be followed by Chakra Healing session - 
a series of guided meditation that uses the seven 
chakras and visualisations to help each individual 
ground, centre and align themselves. Regular Chakra 
Healing helps increase focus, inner strength and peace 
of mind



0 people are going


Karmarkar Fitness Centre, Dindoshi, Goregaon (E)

Who should attend

Adults, Children above 14 years of age.

Event Benefits

Join Chetna for a talk on Emotions - we're taking the
covers off fear, anger, guilt, shame and pain. Find and
build your inner strength and come to terms with your

The talk will be followed by Chakra Healing session - 
a series of guided meditation that uses the seven 
chakras and visualisations to help each individual 
ground, centre and align themselves. Regular Chakra 
Healing helps increase focus, inner strength and peace 
of mind

Pre-requisites to attending

PLease carry your yoga mats

Terms and Conditions


About the Organiser

When people say it’s all in the mind they aren’t kidding. As someone whose initial curiosity is now a very strong belief, tackling underlying metaphysical causes help in speeding up rec

Material to be brought by attendees

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