Meena Iyer
Contact Person
Sonal Datt Verma
The Inner Child Program, From: 2019-06-19 To: 2019-06-23, 9 am to 6 pm, Goa
English, Hindi
Cognitive Counselling,Meditation,NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming,Hypnotherapy
Cost : INR 30000
Have you wondered how some things in your life never change? No matter how hard you try, some people only cause you distress? You've tried the motivation techniques, the fitness mantras, the meditations and coaching. Yet something or someone seems to mysteriously come between you and your goals, the things your efforts should certainly bring you. Could this be your own Inner Child?
Unravelling your habits, attitudes, behaviors to uncover blocked potential.
Revealing your true selves by discovering and releasing hidden emotional pain stored in the body and mind.
Knowledge sessions, Meditations, Role-plays, Sharing and a whole lot more.
CBT, Hypnosis, NLP, and an opportunity to work one-on-one with three therapists, each an expert in their field.
And taking a beautiful break in a lush beach property in Goa with activiies to unleash your creative selves. Package covers 4 nights stay at 5 star hotel plus all meals.
8 seats taken, 6 more to go.
The O Hotel, Aguada Siolim Road, Candolim, Goa
Anybody looking at understanding and healing the wounded Inner Child. Anybody facing problems with stress,relatioship, chronic pain, depression, anger, trust issues, thought distortions and other related problems.
1.Self knowledge, why certain behaviors are not changing.
2.Understanding the impact of what happened during our developmental stages from infancy to adolescence.
3. Feeling and releasing stored emotions from the body and mind.
16 years of age
Day One
Enrich the potency of the adult through energization, and learning simple self defence techniques.
1.Who is the inner child and how he/she got wounded;
2.Understanding psycho-social development
3. Meditation
4. Trainer’s personal share on infancy / toddlerhood
5. Sharing
7.Sharing from the assignment
8.Group affirmation meditation
Outdoor Activity Beach / Poolside
Dance Therapy
Day 2.
Enrich the potency of the adult through energization, and learning simple self defence techniques.
1. Looking at developmental issues in preschool to school ages
2. Roleplay preparation
3.Staging the Roleplays team wise
4. Group discussion
5.Trainer’s personal share
6. Meditation
7. Sharing, Q and A
8. Assignment
9. Reading or sharing from the assignment
10. Brain Hacks
11.Pain relief meditation
14. Group affirmation meditation and learning anchoring technology for healing the inner pre-schooler and school-aged child
5.15 – 6.15 Activities
Day 3
Enrich the potency of the adult through energization, and learning simple self defence techniques.
1 Trauma relief NLP techniques
2. Looking at developmental issues in adolescence
3.Group discussion
4. Trainer’s personal share
5. Meditation
6.Sharing on Meditation
8. Assignment (non-dominant hand)
9. Reading or sharing from the assignment
10.Inner Child Integration meditation
11.Visual imagery hypnotherapy
13. Personal 1:1 session with the experts
Hypnotherapist ,Past life Regression n Reiki expert
Psychotherapist ,specialist in inner child n codependency recovery
Addictions n Recovery Counseling
14. Group cleansing meditation.
Workshops on Inner Child Healing, Reiki, and motivation. Residential solutions for emotional wellness to overcome problems with stress, addiction, obesity, depression.
Baby pictures, different stages.