Sushant Shhah


Contact Person

Sushant Shhah


Yogmaya, From: 2020-02-23 To: 2020-02-23, 10am to 3pm, Mumbai

English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati

Lama Fera,Humkara With Haleem


Cost : INR 15000

Yogmaya is a combination of all deities and guru’s energy or can say 84 crores of brain cells or universal (9 planets and 5 elements energy). According to mythology Yogmaya called “Devi”. It’s a very simple meditation process to heal past Karmas or get freedom from karmas, sorrows and diseases. It is high frequency gaining process to gain success in spiritualism and astral science powers.

The potential energy that is invisible is eternal light while the kinetic energy is referred to as Maya. This is the lord’s force of action. The two cannot be separated. Maya is the extraordinary, supernatural and mystic power of God. It is also the mother to Mother Nature. It is also synonymous with illusory, unreal or an image of reality that is deceptive.

Maya makes people to view the universe as being different from the Supreme Being while the force of life goes on. The combination of universal 9 planets or guru’s energy, 5 elements energy and all the deities is what makes up Yogmaya. Yogmaya which is also referred to as “Devi” that many use in healing sorrows, past karmas and diseases. It is a way of having access into astral science powers and spiritualism successfully.



1 people are going


B-1003, Akruti Elegance, 90 Feet Road, Mulund East

Who should attend

All people who wish to experience a different and highest level of spiritual powers & healing frequency.

Event Benefits

Works wonderfully on spiritual, mental, emotional and physical level.


Increases your healing powers multifold.

Pre-requisites to attending


Terms and Conditions


About the Organiser

Multi modality practitioner since 2014.

My USP is combining various healing modalities to get the result in fastest and easiest way. Any modality that I learn, I end up developing in a uniq

Material to be brought by attendees


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