Sushant Shhah


Contact Person

Sushant Shhah


Yogmaya, From: 2020-03-22 To: 2020-03-22, 9am to 2pm, Delhi

English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati

Lama Fera,Meditation,Mantras,Energy Healing


Cost : INR 15000

The potential energy that is invisible is eternal light while the kinetic energy is referred to as Maya. This is the Lord’s force of action. The two cannot be separated. Maya is the extraordinary, supernatural and mystic power of God. It is also the mother to Mother Nature. It is also synonymous with illusory, unreal or an image of reality that is deceptive.


Maya makes people to view the universe as being different from the Supreme Being while the force of life goes on. The combination of universal 9 planets or guru’s energy, 5 elements energy and all the deities is what makes up Yogmaya.

Yogmaya which is also referred to as “Devi” that many use in healing sorrows, past karmas and diseases. It is a way of having access into astral science powers and spiritualism successfully.



1 people are going


Sthal Marg, Defence Colony, Delhi

Who should attend

Helaers of all modalities, Energy healers, Astrologers, Psychics, anyone who wants to develop their capability as a healer.

Event Benefits

The combination of universal 9 planets or guru’s energy, 5 elements energy and all the deities is what makes up Yogmaya



Benefits & Uses of Yogmaya Healing

?Freedom from all kind of Stress and Depression.

?Gives freedom from Anxiety and Fear, helps to ward off evil spirits and negative energy.

?The practice can be used to increase memory and inspire higher levels of concentration through meditation.

? It's the best treatment for enhancing your will power and considered as the best healing treatment for last stage patients of all disease.

? It helps to solve the past life issues and get rid of that problem.

? A practitioner can sense the vibrations and feel change in his energy levels.

?Helps clear problems in business, property and health etc. VASTU HEALING works wonder by neutralizing unbalanced energy caused due to Vastu defects.

?Promotes chemical processing of body, muscles, bones, digestive disorders and give strength and radiant energy.

?Direct healing and effect on the root cause of diseases.

?Makes active, alert and self-confident.

? *Removes black magic effect completely.


Pre-requisites to attending

Completion of Lama Fera or Humkara with Haleem

Terms and Conditions


About the Organiser

Multi modality practitioner since 2014.

My USP is combining various healing modalities to get the result in fastest and easiest way. Any modality that I learn, I end up developing in a uniq

Material to be brought by attendees


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