Geetanjali Saxena
Cord Cutting Meditation, From: 2020-09-10 To: 2020-09-10, 5 to 7,
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I want to share with you one of my favorite spiritual practices: the cord-cutting meditation!
Practicing the cord-cutting meditation regularly can completely heal you physically, repair you energetically, change your relationships and improve your overall well-being.
If there’s someone you’re hung up on or long to see again, like an ex, a former friend, a person you burned a bridge with or even a fling you still obsess over, then you almost certainly have an energetic cord keeping you tied to them. This attachment can feel like an immense weight and you don’t even know where it’s coming from!
By practicing this meditation you’re not cutting this person out of your life. You’re simply cutting the energetic cord that transmits negative energy.
When you do this, you’ll feel a sense of peace and a great deal of support. When you practice this meditation regularly, you’ll feel happier and healthier, like a weight has been lifted.
You can get my guidance in this practice by signing up now - call 9322127722
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Dr Geetanjali Saxena
(B. Sc., B.ED, M.A., PhD in Psychotherapy & Counselling)
Is a Wellness Coach with more than two decades of hands-on experience. She is trained in multiple m