Geetanjali Saxena


Hypnotherapy Experiential , From: 2020-09-20 To: 2020-09-20, 11 to 1,




Cost : INR 500

I am proud to be able to offer this to anyone who is interested in having a very special and powerful experience of his or her inner-mind. 

Hypnotherapy is an experiential, closed eye, regression process that addresses body, mind, and spirit through a combination of psychological modalities and techniques including hypnosis, developmental psychology,
humanistic psychology, behavior modification, CBT, Schema Therapy, adult ego strengthening, and energetic release work. 

Hypnosis decreases blood pressure and heart rate, and alters certain types of brain wave activity. In this relaxed state, a person will feel very at ease physically yet fully awake mentally.

Allowing the body and mind to relax supports the development of positive affirmations and corrected behaviors that replace harmful or unhealthy ones, resulting in deeply profound healing experiences.

Throughout the session, they gently and safely guide the client to discover past connections to current issues, release and heal blocks and unhealthy patterns, change old beliefs, and create new, healthier behavior patterns and life decisions.

You can get my guidance in this practice by signing up now - call 9322127722

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About the Organiser

Dr Geetanjali Saxena

(B. Sc., B.ED, M.A., PhD in Psychotherapy & Counselling)

Is a Wellness Coach with more than two decades of hands-on experience. She is trained in multiple m

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