Oracle Cards Reading Event, From: 2020-11-30 To: 2020-12-15 Frequency: All Weekdays & Weekends, 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm,
Hindi, English
Oracle Card Reading,Angel Therapy,Oracle Tarot,Unicorn Card Reading
Cost : INR 1222/-
Within 30min, you can ask as many questions as you want regarding your career, money, job, business, marriage, relationship, friendship, family, the purpose of life, past and future life, health, etc. Free remedies for healing will be given during the session as per the psychic oracle reading. It will be conducted one on one, over a phone call maintaining your confidentiality.
Anyone above the age of 15 years can get their Oracle psychic reading during these three days.
Ask as many questions from your life regarding health, money, career, love, relationship, friendship, family, choices to make etc.
My 9 years of experience in people dealing, training, and youth management have been a great source of inspiration for me to start something which is TRUE to me. I strongly believe in life’s