Neetta karkhanis


Mahashivratri transmission , From: 2021-03-11 To: 2021-03-11, 7pm IST to 8 on IST ,


Chakra Balancing,QET - Quantum Energy Transformation


Cost : INR 666

Mahashivratri is the time for going within and finding your inner light
Connecting to the Shiva within you, would mean to balance....transmute and transform .
*What we do during this session:* Chakra balancing  aligns all our chakras and then transmutes and transforms to connect to our inner light. Simultaneously, invoking Archangels to help transmute and take our energies to higher fifth dimensional vibration. 

Come and join us on this auspicious day for group meditation to find the Shiv within to evolve Spiritually. 

????EE-Rs 666/- on GPay
????Venue: Whatsapp
????Date: 11th March
?Time: 7-8 pm. 
????Contact: Manju - 99620 36811
 Neetta - 9820417528



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About the Organiser

Neetta Karkhanis has been a soul coach involved in Energy and Crystal healing for the past 20 years. She is a Reiki Grandmaster, THETA®? and Shamanic healer. What sets Neetta apart is her gift

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