Experience :

17 Years

Location :


Languages :

Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, English

Available :

By appointment

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"God helps those who dont try to take over his work" I am a conduit, I am never alone... Divine makes me an instrument for Healing. Spirituality helps us to heal ourselves from inside out.

 Today's modern lifestyle has lead to disruptions in physical health, mental calm, relationship issue, money blocks and more so life threatning diseases to name a few.  

The purpose of my work is to guide your soul's evolutionary journey to lead a fulfilling and enriched life. My background includes holistic healing of soul,mind,body leading to vital life energy inspiring conscious re-awakening.

As no two person has the same problem, Hence different healing modalities or a variant of two or more is used to resolve these issues and make you live the kind of Life you really want.

When we experience the unconditional nature of love and forgiveness, We open to a vista of unlimited healing power.

Previous Experience

17 + years of experience in wellness sector, Corporate trainings, Handled operations in a multinatinational company.



Bach flower

Angel therapy

Past life