Nidhu B Kapoor

(39  Review)

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14 Years

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Hindi, English

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On weekdays 11.30am to 6.30pm



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Nidhu B Kapoor

If it is simple and empowering, gentle but powerful, I will have it in my tool kit because my promise is - shifts within 10 seconds and results showing in the world within 24 to 72 hours.  If you are ill, unwell or have a chronic issue like constant colds, PMS, PCOD, migraines, strange body aches and pains, chronic stress, book your session with  me right now!

I am a constant student of life, the universe and everything and as an energy scientist on a mission to awaken the doctor within you, you will get my unique blend of words and body processes to take you from Pain to Peace. Expect results instantaneously!! And then some more because I also guarantees abundance in 24 to 72 hours after the session. Be it unexpected monies, gifts, treats, compliments or business opportunities, you will get health. And wealth!

My work is as scientific as it is spiritual and uses both eastern medicine (like in the principles of acupressure, pranayama, Qi Gong, Jin Shin Jyutsu, visualisation, hooponopono, the Vedas and mudras) and western philosophy (like in talk therapy, transactional analysis, affirmations, the laws of attraction &  allowing & manifesting, switchwords, active imagination/multidimensional work, understandings of the subconscious and conscious mind, the shadow self and the power of limiting beliefs). I have used all of these to create and develop WORDS - World of Retrograde Decrees Switchsentences that is hands down, the fastest healing process in the world - it actually works instantaneously! 

You have the right to be healthy and happy and with WORDS, this goal is now closer then ever! Working for everyone at all ages as well animals and plants, computers and phones, this is a game changer for life!

PS. I am a single mother, total foodie (but don't ask me to cook!), student forever, yoga enthusiast, energy work practitioner, teacher of all she knows, lover of family, friends, everyone she works with, animals, Earth, stars, democracy, colours, all things beautiful, eschatology and exclamation marks!! I bring all of this to my work :) Especially monies!

“Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.” - Woody Allen

While the priniciples that I practice and preach can be applied to whatever you wish to manifest, it's working with money that gives me most joy :) The results are tangible and isn't that the best!!

Money, wealth, prosperity and abundance are words I intuitively and instinctively understand and am always happy to share that understanding - for a certain amount of monies, of course! Using WORDS, I have made my bank balance 20 times over in 3 months! You CAN too, WHY NOT!!

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi. 

I believe the same is true for money. It's available, it's right here and there is enough for everybody. CAN you find all the barries within yourself that you have built against it? And then let them go? In the shortest time possible? Say YES!, stop reading this and book your time with me right now!!



Previous Experience

I made and spent a lot of money, lol!!



Not yet :)

Reviews & Testimonials

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16 Jan 25



04 Nov 23


Nidhu's Stellar work speaks for itself ,She needs no introductions .In the Healing circles -She is the Goddess Of Decrees-The power of the spoken Word-The Word Doctor.

As I keep doing more work with her-I realise,I am unpeeling away layers of shame,trauma,guilt,jealousies,hatred,Body shame and so on conscioulsy.Listening to her calls live itself is healing ,Relistening to them completes the circle of healing.Im so lucky to have been under her guidance from many years & Her patience,Lovely smile & giving everyone present in her call some solutions to their problems has been part of her magnanimous personality.

I wish her many more such work with awesome people ,Riches,health,peace,all in triple godspeed.

Thank You Universe.Thank You Nidhu.

11 Oct 19


Actually she is above 10 star rating(sad the 5 star is the only one available right now)!!

What do i say about her-Magician,High priestess,Triple Moon -she is just beyond Words-beyond time also-Very very ahead of energy practioners of our times and yet she uses every modality from the ancient eastern to the modern western methods in her money work for which she is well known.

Im under her lucky cover from about 3years ,constantly doing most(ok 85%) of her workshops which she gracefully offers at a paisa vasool rate along with guarenteed returns(which even sadly our savings bank doesnt give)-Its a Given Nidhu Sovereign Guarantee that whatever she does will work for you -maybe not how you want/how you wish-but in the end for all your good!!

I cant thank her enough for so many times ive fallen off the track and had near fatal accidents-she has merely sensed those and gently and silently cleared all the muck countless times-bringing me back on track-physically & emotionally!!!

The money workshop which is ongoing right now has brought literally Triple income to me within 2 weeks(absolutely guaranteed ,no stories here)and my work has also tripled !!!last year this time i was just about working and doing fine-this time with recession everywhere im (touchwood) working with absolutely no time to breathe.

My only regret i dont stay so close  to Nidhu else i would literally run to her every time physically & if she gives sooo much in a workshop i can imagine what all magic will happen in person!!

I can only wish her all the very best ,lots of more and more clients and more monies equally which she deserves so much!!


Radha Raghavan

06 Sep 19


Loved interacting with Nidhu. She is easy n graceful. Loved every minute of session with her. Looking forward for more

06 Sep 19

Prity vichhivora

Nidhu is such a wonderful person, kind and angel. Her decrees can heal our body and mind miraculously. Her methods  are so simple but very effective. My personal experience abt my tennis elbow pain was suffering from 6 months.  Pain in my elbow.  .her simple decree and affirmations cured my elbow pain in few hours... After using her decrees my pain and worries have vanished. .. Feeling great after her session . .. Thanku Nidhi for such wonderful life time experience.   May God bless u with more healing powers .. . Gratitude ????????????????????????????????????

06 Sep 19

Prity vichhivora

Awesome and simple but effective healing by NIDHU. . Her decrees are so much effective and simple. .. It heals our mind and body ..  We can heal ourselves anywhere and with simple affirmations.    A very good experience of pain and worries which vanished miraculously..  .  Very happy and down to earth person..  Such a cool nature. . .Much much gratitude to her and her healing tecniques  ... God shower blessings to u.    ????????????????????????????????

19 Oct 18


Nidhu’s first of its kind ever Saturn’s Decrees work and how! Just yesterday I had a complete breakdown ( a good one) followed by an immediate lightness - that too on a public platform! Allowing oneself to be publicly vulnerable is not easy but it happened for me. Am truly grateful. And somewhere I must have freaked out about it as well because by day end I had a horrible muscle spasm. Cut to morning I use the decrees again for the spasm , do the finger holds and ask for a clearing as well from Nidhu. By afternoon I’m moving around with a definite tangible reduction in pain. No medicines consumed at all! Thank you Nidhu!!

18 Sep 18

Chhaya Bheda

Nidhu is a wonderful human being. Though have not met her yet, but experienced her guidance and teaching on the mystic lotus group. Have always sensed a genuine person who is out to help you. 

Last week, on the group, we went through a part of learning process about kidneys. Beautiful and inuunus insight. Also she made things so easy to understand and apply in day to day life. And she always clears all your doubts and questions. 

Thank you Nidhu. May Angels always bless you. 

PS. And definitely planning to meet you someday.

16 Sep 18

Sonia Sharma

Nidhu is the best, it's like she has long distance x-ray eyes. She can see and feel what's happening even if there is distance between us.

Her healing techniques are so simple and most effective. I actually rented out my place within a few hours for full price, using her simple, powerful decrees.

Love you Nidhu, thanks for being part of my life. 

15 Sep 18

Anita Sachdev

dear nidhu u make everything simple and effective. U connect the dots so well that magic happens. blessings...keep going...anita

15 Sep 18


Nidhu- I love the way of how you present things- they are so effective tips and you make them seem so simple and easy to understand. Most of all I love is your respect for people across all the platforms 

15 Sep 18

Meher P. Pavri

Had gr8 fun the whole of last week getting to merry kidney meridian. Learnt the three techniques. Learnt the let go accupresure point.


Feel lighter and better. Nidhu thank u once more. Looking fwd to yr telesummit on retro venus on tue


09 May 18

Karen B

Nidhu, words simply cannot express how grateful I am to you!  Your intuition is spot on and you know EXACTLY what is needed to shift the issue at hand.  I honestly didn’t know how I was going to move through the issue I had with my father since I was a young child (and I am now 56 YO!) I have tried many modalities of energy healing and many energy healers.  Nothing has shifted me as quickly and profoundly as during my session with you this morning.  YES!  I AM good enough!  There is NOTHING wrong with me! You are a treasure, a blessing, a God given gift, and I will forever be grateful to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

09 Apr 18


Nidhu your clearing statements/ decrees are nothing short of amazing! My pet dog has diarrhoea and I got worried by the second day. Did the clearing statements for him early this morning and then in the afternoon. So far no loosies! And his appetite is coming back gradually! You are indeed a miracle worker!

04 Apr 18

Shubha Karra

Nidhu Satish Kapoor - In April, 2015, when i spoke to her for the first time, little did i know or understand the way in which my life would change in the next few years. I started working with Nidhu only in January, 2016 and now there is no looking back. When I met her, the first thought that came to my mind is 'Nidhu glows'. I am not kidding, she is an angel in all senses and she glows! She is beautiful, mesmerising, charismatic and the kindest soul i have ever known. She is more than a healer to me. She has been patient with me, helped me through all the tough times and she is my SOS. She is innovative and there is always something new up her sleeve. She organises so many different workshops and events - EM, JSJ, Weight release, Inner child work, Group meetings, clearing sentences etc etc etc... I feel the difference now as a person. I have grown leaps and bounds and I am so grateful to Nidhu for guiding me on my road to self -discovery and self love. I resonated and connected really well with JSJ, clearing sentences and Access methods. Now, its automatic to do a finger hold while sitting in a meeting or talking to someone or watching TV. To say clearing sentences the moment something is coming up. Most importantly, i hear myself and i can name my emotion and I could not do this all my life. Her simple words are so effective. I did not know life can be so easy. Its a YES universe and you can get everything you want with so much ease. I have learnt to draw boundaries, say NO, be kind to myself, remove the rubbish ppl and things from life, and the list goes on! All of this has been possible because of Nidhu. She is an amazing woman.. I can go on and on.. Thank you Nidhu for everything :) I am grateful that universe sent you to me as my guru, mentor and friend :) 

04 Oct 17

Bina Jagwani

Nidhu!!! Angel on earth ! Thank you!Thank You! Thank You! You so selflessly help us heal ourself with JSJ Miraces.  Just simpy hold yourself and heal yourself easily guiding through.Thank you for  giving me this awesome, Blessed BE

28 Sep 17


Hi Nidhu.

I was introduced JSJ from you.   From your loving  ang generous nature  I can learn and got courage   to learn more.   You had pationce when many times I can't underdtand in English properly. found JSJ is very effective , efforless , inexpencive and one can apply anywhere any time. Only with our two hands we can heal. It is very usefull in counry like India where in some corner people can't effort simple medicine also.

 Thank you for your whole hearty efforts to teach and heal.   My love and God blessings are alwsys with you. Hope with your energy medicines teaching more and more people will benifit in India.



27 Sep 17


Dear nidhu

i revisited jinsinzitsu again today with the awesome telesummit. I was apprehensive since it had been long since I had practiced it. But you made me just sail through it ! It was simply awesome ! 

Its always a pleasure learning from you. There is so much more value added in terms of learning .

always indebted to you

thank you

04 Apr 17

Sayantani Dutta

In November 2016, when I first called Nidhu for a trial session, I had no idea about Energy Medicine, and was only giving it a shot because I really had nothing to lose. Five short months later, energy medicine seems like home - something I intuitively understand and which makes a world of sense.

In this short period, energy medicine, manifested through a variety of techniques that Nidhu gently and patiently has been guiding me through, has resulted in greater clarity about myself and situations I find myself in, helped me recover from the grief of losing a loved one, and generally completely turned around my perspective on several matters, big and small. With EFT, I've found a way to address many repressed emotions, with tapping Jyutsu (a mash-up, if you will, of EFT and JSJ) I've found ways to address some of my depeest fears, and with group calls, I've noticed remarkable improvements in my relationships with others, as well as myself. 

I call Nidhu my lighthouse :) no matter how far adrift I may be in my sea of problems, her gentle and reassuring guidance always helps me reach the shore of clarity, with insight and compassion for the situation/ person, who was the cause of my anxiety, thrown in as a bonus.   

20 Mar 17

Prutha Soman

I love to call Nidhu My Miracle Woman coz after doing this work with her for almost a year I have seen quite a few miraculous things take place in my life :) She introduced me to Energy Medicine, a wonderful process that I never knew about. I love practicing JSJ and EFT under her loving guidance. However, what I love the most about Nidhu is that she holds the space for each one of us, unconditionally and with great love and kindness. She allows us to move at our own pace without making us feel any pressure. Sometimes when I don't listen to her I'm afraid that she might reprimand me, but she is always so understanding and open about giving me more time that I feel encouraged. I feel that's the best part about her, that she takes everyone along with her. She has helped me take charge of my life and progress in the direction that I've wanted. I'm definitely happier and more aware today than what I was a year ago. I will always be grateful to Nidhu for being so gentle and kind with me. Thank you. <3

17 Mar 17

Nadir Baji Karbhari

A few wonderful sessions on tapping and JSJ has got me hooked on to the JSJ modality

Thank you for the great moments


17 Mar 17

Shoba Dsouza

Thank you so much for the most effective JSJ and awesome tapping week.  Looking forward to the weeks to follow .. God bless you abundantly .... 

08 Mar 17

Ashok Nawany

I have been under Nidhu's love, care and guidance since about three years now. I have done with her one is to one counselling , never missed a single EM  class, Telesummits and followed all her instructions religiously .
At an intangible level I am totally transformed in every sphere. Never ever imagined that I could either paint or write. Today I paint beautifully as well as compose poems. How probably only she can answer. 
She has been my doctor too.Any illness all I do is text her. Either she suggests JSJ hold or does a clearing and I am fit and fine. I often wonder is she a spiritual healer or a medical doctor.
In one instance , i had pain in my back and I couldn't bend down. Nidhu suggested that I get my X Ray done and report to her. I did report to her and next day the pain was gone. Unbelievable it may sound but I have experienced miracles.
In one of the JSJ yoga Telesummit, I did loose couple of inches on my waist without loosing weight. List is endless.
If one has inclination, patience and sincerity she has solutions to all problems. 
She is an loving angel who appears at the right moments. I am blessed to have her in my life.

06 Mar 17

Ruchi Agrawal

I met Nidhu purely by chance ( now I know there's no such thing as a coincidence).

I was exploring different healing modalities because something inside kept telling me I need more. Nidhu was a beautiful surprise and an angel in disguise. Wow to life's many more such serendipities.

With Nidhu's gentle encouragement and loving support I have not only discovered how I had for years together sabotaged my own self in many ways.....But also now I am better able to handle myself.

I am more confident and willing to come out of my comfort zone. Moreover I have learnt to say NO ( and not feel bad or guilty about it), I am sure many of us have gone through that.

Like she correctly said... What you seek outside lies within us. We only have to look.

The cherry on the cake....With JSJ and EFT I have managed to pull down my weight to almost a size down.

Yay!!!! Yes to more!! Yes to more healing and clearings. 

My sincerest and heartfelt gratitude to Nidhu.

Thank you Nidhu for being you and being there...

16 Sep 16

Resshmi mamtora

It was exactly 1yr-3 months,ago that I had met Nidoo(Nidhu kapoor) as call her lovingly. I had no clue at that time that my life would turn so much better for me. I thank my destiny for creating my meeting with this amazing Diva. When I met her, I was in such hopeless state (yet, was desperately looking for some magic) & attended her session with zero expectation. But within 2 meets, I could sense some shift, and a definite difference. I had gut feeling that I m at right place & source. Nidoo is a far cry from  the usual, & the conventional. And also true was the fact that my healing journey too was extremely challenging, a shaky-bumpety ride. Yet something in me told to continue. And with Anchor of her caliber, what did I have to fear?? So, here I am today, healed of biggest issue of my life ~ of my relationship with my  mother(late). Thank you Nidoo, for having me meet up with my mother. If at all I love her today, it's due to your perfect healing guidance. I can feel receiving her blessings at every step. I know, I've a long way to go yet, but you set the monentum for it. I feel so confident,  & EMPOWERED, and capable if taking my decisions  easily.  I am truly indebted to a Diva Guru like you, whom one comes across only once in a lifetime, through sheer luck. Thank you for this, & look forward to more of ur humor laced, fun filled sessions . God bless you, for touching so many lives, & making a huge difference in each.

07 Jul 16

Vasuda Arora

Warm and kind, patient and empowering, present and intutive are but a few words to describe Nidhu. A magnanimous healer who creates so many different platforms for you to explore yourself and become all you wish to become. Be it the intense, effective and awesome individual sessions or the whatsapp support or the telecalls or the in-person group sessions...each has been an immense contribution.

I feel blessed and hugely grateful to Nidhu for creating a safe, non-judgemental space and letting me work through so many issues. Issues that seemed unsurmountable ceased to be so, as I addressed them in the individual sessions. She is patient and comforting and at the same time direct, honest and lets you know what you need to hear even when you may not like to hear it at that time. I am a happier, stronger and brighter person and a lot of it has to do with Nidhu's presence- during the sessions and in my life!

Working with Nidhu has made me tap into my potential, bring forth the courage and confidence I didn't know how to summon forth and given me the much needed gentle and assertive support I so required. 

In addition to being one of the most wonderful healers who I have highly recommended to all my friends and family, she has created Such expansive and wonderful spaces for healers like me to step up, show up and reach out. Many thanks Nidhu. May you be blessed with all that you give out so generously. Love you and love to you.

24 Jun 16


Nidhu and EFT have brought a huge transformation into my life. A simple truth that everything begins and ends with us, took so long for me to understand, is amazing to me. Nidhu is not just a magician and a master healer, she is a very sensitive human being, full of compassion and deep  understanding of complex life situations and common human responses; which lead to so many blocks and barriers that we don't even realize.

Nidhu has guided me through difficult terrains and paths to finally see the truth and shown me the way to  find the key to unlock all the doors and break through  the layers of darkness and ignorance, to leap high and sieze the light! Its just a matter of time:)!!!

15 Jun 16

Prutha Soman

Nidhu and Energy Medicine have brought miracles to my life.. awaiting many more :)

04 May 16

Anu Sharma

Nidhu had taught us Jin Shin Jyistu ( JSJ) finger holds thru the whatsapp group. 

I have been religiously following all the finger holds and other holds for 20 mins each since 10 days. Yesterday I was thrilled when I received the compliment that I looked slimmer and my tummy smaller. My face  is also glowing.

I still have 11 days more to go,  I wonder what  more magic it's gonna create.

Thanks so much Nidhu for sharing this simple yet powerful techinque. You are Magical and so is JSJ.

23 Apr 16

Anu Sharma

It's difficult to do full justice when writing a review for an Earth angel, Nidhu. 

When I first met her,  I was going through major emotional crisis and her presence made it comfortable to cope with it.  I have had few very amazing sessions. Unfortunately I wasn't able to continue my therapy sessions sure to personal reasons,  but Nidhu continued to offer her support. She has been very patient, compassionate and generous in her contributions. 

Her JSJ session on whatsapp group was icing on the cake. Following her simple guidelines  has  created a lot of shifts. My body feels a lot lighter and I am confident that I will able to heal myself 

Thanks Nidhu for all innumerable contributions.  I do miss our sessions and hopefully all well be good again. Hugs 

21 Apr 16

Ashok Nawany

NIDHU......She is beyond words. Kya kehna uska.

I have been under Nidhus guidance, practicing her teaching, and graced with her healings, since past couple of years.

In these two years she has been handholding me through the inner explorations, awareness and deeper understanding of recurring patterns in our life’s.

Journey with her has brought innumerable insights and  transformative experiences.

With her I have been able to understand as to; why i am doing: what i am doing have a totally new understanding about myself now. 

She has brought out a painter within me; a writer within me and surely many more possibilities will gradually open up.

As a teacher Nidhu is very intuitive and puts forward her teachings in a very logical way,  which is easy to comprehend and accept. 

As a guide Nidhu is gentle and generous like an adorable angel. Very patient waits for us to ready before she unfolds the next page.

As a healer Nidhu is gentle and caring like mother Teresa. She heals the hate, the hurt, the grief, the anger with divine grace and blessings.

The journey with Nidhu is beyond expressible words which will do justice.

With Deep Love.

Immense Gratitude.

21 Apr 16

Chhaya Bheda

Nidhu is so instictive. At ML Violet group...she so selflessly and patiently gave simple ways to shift energy and treat self. Her basic remedies on basis of JSJ helped everyone in the group. Thanks dear. God Bless u,

21 Apr 16

mansi bisht

extremely sorry for the mistake, i was talking abt JSJ not energy medicine 

thanx again Nidhu


21 Apr 16

mansi bisht

I m so so so so grateful to Nidhu to introduce me to energy medicine, this is so available inside us but few people know that,i saw so many people getting healed by this process ALL THANX TO THIS EARTH ANGEL :) 

11 Apr 16

nandita sisodia

Nice to connect with u 

15 Feb 16

Jayashree Menon

I am really grateful to Nidhu , for introducing me to Energy Medicine. She has been an Inspiring and benevolent teacher and I really appreciate the time and dedication that she has given me in sorting out my Emotional problems. Had never ever  heard of EFT before she taught me that !!!!!  Energy Medicine , which she devotedly teaches , is such a gentle yet Powerful emotional block breaker!!!

Besides all this , Via Mystic Lotus she has provided a Wonderful Platform for Various Healing Modality teachers to come together. It is like a whole new world of SOLUTIONS opening up to all the problems you quietly carried till this point in the journey of your life, not knowing at all how to offload the weight it had become in your system and therefore becoming energy blockers!!!

Thanks to Mystic Lotus for showing a way towards Light from a dark tunnel !!!!!

Nidhu and Mystic Lotus rocks!!!!!!!

29 Aug 15


Sorry, the system had but only five stars, but Nidhu at least deserves a galaxy! Gentle yet tough with a mother's understanding and a father's accommodating prowess, Nidhu is hell lot of Healing fun. Must try her to know...words simply are insufficient...

15 Aug 15

Zeenat Lakdwalla

I have been working with Nidhu for the last five years extensively on self healing. We have moved leaps and bounds and she is gentle with you and remembers evey single discussion with accurracy. Nidhu has helped me through toughest of time at professional and crazy personal turbulance. You call her with some stress that is bothering you the whole day and by the time you keep the call you have made changes to yourself effortlessly. Every session with Nidhu takes you deeper into yourself and the healing happens Awesomly :). She has an amazing style of handholding and encouraging you even if you tend to give up as she knows your capacity and your readiness. She carefully introduces you to new concepts and will also create an ecosystem that will support you. A gifted lady who will help you when you ready. As she says 'life is the only school that waits for the students to be ready' and oh boy she will wait for you to be ready and open to receving.  

God Bless her with abundance!!



11 Aug 15

Amrish Dudani

I have been seeking help from Nidhu on various matters for the past 5-6 years. Be it a matter related to professional, personal, health or overall well-being, she has always managed to either solve it completed or improve it tremendously. Her knowledge, understanding, compassion, skill, positivity, willingness to help and energies are enormous.

Her methods are easy to learn and practice on your own. Sometimes, all you need is just one phone call and she will give you the required answers and techniques to make things better.

She is a huge asset to turn to and a blessing when you need one.

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