Naveeta D Singh

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Experience :

16 Years

Location :


Languages :

Hindi, Marathi, English

Available :

2pm-6pm (in person )

12 noon - 7pm (on call, online cha, email)

Anytime - Distance healing


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Naveeta D Singh

Naveeta D Singh is a highly sought-after Reiki healer for the past 11 years with mastery in different types of Reiki. She is also an expert Magnified Healing practitioner and Navagraha healer. Naveeta also provides Grief Guidance and Counselling, Chakra Balancing, Ancestor Healing, Automatic Writing, and more healing services.


The loss of a loved one way back in 2009 brought Reiki to Naveeta’s life. She was not only able to heal her grief and bring herself back to life but she also healed the physical ailments of her family and friends. So, what started with Usui Reiki for Naveeta, continued with Karuna Reiki, Money Reiki, Magick Reiki, Purple Prosperity Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Amaterasu Reiki, and other healing modalities. Today, Naveeta is flexible in her approach and applies the required type of Reiki or any other healing modality as per the needs of the seeker. Naveeta also teaches Reiki and Auto-writing.


Naveeta operates from the firm belief that every problem has a solution and Reiki will lead you to it. She has had tremendous success in healing issues related to relationships, ancestors, addictions, karmic contracts, physical ailments and more!


Apart from providing healing services to her clients, Naveeta also teaches Reiki. She is a regular contributor of Reiki content for an international website.



1) Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Money Reiki, Magick Reiki, Purple Prosperity Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Amaterasu Reiki

2) Magnified Healing

3) Navgraha Healing

Previous Experience

Providing client based healing on issues  like relationship, ancestral, addiction, karmic, physical ailments, etc.


1) Usui reiki, Karuna reiki, money reiki, magick reiki, purple prosperity reiki, tiger reiki, Amaterasu reiki

2) Magnified healing

3) Navgraha healing

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